Monolithic hydrogels and aerogels fabricated on macroscopic scale by simple template-directed, hydrothermal carbonization process

Large-Scale Fabrication of Hydro- And Aerogels

Game-theory Optimizes Biofuel Supply Chain
Holistic model provides guidelines for where to place biorefineries and what capacities to assign them to maximize profit

Environmental Considerations of Roof-integrated Solar Cells
Environmental life cycle assessment of roof-integrated flexible amorphous silicon/nanocrystalline silicon solar cell laminate

2,1,3-Benzothiadiazole-Modified DNA
Valuable building blocks for construction of highly ordered, DNA-based materials with special optical and electronic properties

Poultry Feathers: Possible Health Risk
Feathers as previously unrecognized route for pharmaceuticals and personal care products to enter food chain

Boron Conjugation Holds the Key
Boron-containing π-conjugated heterocycles shed light on optoelectronics

Novel Upstream Bioprocessing Tools
Application of rocking T-flasks as scale-down model of bench-scale wave bioreactors proposed

Enhanced Contrast Media for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Micelles with enhanced chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) sensitivity synthesized

Enhanced Solubility and Bioactivity of Pharmaceuticals
Acyclic cucurbit[n]uril molecular containers enhance the solubility and bioactivity of poorly soluble pharmaceuticals

150th Anniversary of First Pasteurization Test
Louis Pasteur, invented pasteurization and proved the germ theory of disease. He is also the answer to Guess the Chemist (4)