Two Cu(II)-coordination compounds with tridentate aliphatic hydrazone ligand were characterized, and their biological effects tested

New Copper Coordination Compounds

Model Predicts Nanoparticle Toxicity
Model predicts toxicity of metal oxide nanoparticles based on electrical and solublity properties

Solar-Energy-Driven Biomass Fuel Cell
Light-assisted biomass fuel cell for renewable electricity generation from wastewater

CO2 Fixation by Ionic Liquids
Ionic liquids and polystyrene could be the key to fixing carbon dioxide in efforts to meet carbon emissions targets

New Immune Defence Enzyme
Previously unknown serine protease forms part of the antibacterial defense arsenal of neutrophil granulocytes

Simple Ligands, Complex Behavior
Phosphanylferrocene ligand bearing an additional amine functionalization was studied as a ligand for transition metal complexes

Paulson New EPA Science Adviser
Glenn Paulson succeeds Paul Anastas as US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s science adviser

Impact of Oil Palm Plantation Development
Continued expansion of industrial-scale oil palm plantations will become a leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020

Angewandte Chemie 18/2012: No End in Sight
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Conformations of Tartaric Acids
Tartaric acids and their derivatives crystallize with molecular structures significantly different from those of isolated molecules