Large wind farms appear to affect local land surface temperatures, according to US scientists

Impacts of Wind Farms on Temperature

85th Birthday: Manfred Eigen
Manfred Eigen, winner of the Nobel Prize for analyses of fast chemical reactions, celebrates his 85th birthday

Online Monitoring of Vinyl Chloride Polymerization
Novel capillary-based microfluidic device allows investigating the vinyl polymerization reaction under difficult conditions

Optimization of Solar Power Plants
New software for optimal planning of solar power plants

Ranbaxy Launches Anti-Malaria Drug
India’s first new drug; first recently developed antimalarial not based on artemisinin

From Radicals to γ-Lactones
A one-pot sequence of radical cyclization and Oppenauer-type oxidation gives gamma-lactones in high yields

The Future of Medicinal Chemistry
T. Hoffmann and R. Metternich, F. Hoffmann−La Roche Ltd., look at potential areas for drug R&D outside traditional medicinal chemistry

New Organization: Global Solar Council
CEO-level industry coalition aiming to expand the global deployment of solar energy in a sustainable and cost-competitive way

Analytik Jena Opens Competence Center in Dubai
Analytik Jena Opens Competence Center in Dubai

Growing Gold Semishells
Pre-formed Janus silica particles in the synthesis of Au semishells, allows modulating the geometry and morphology