Summary of the progress in the synthesis and study of the fascinating natural products chlorosulfolipids


Overcoming the Solubility Problem of Lignin
Catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohols and lignin is achieved by tuning solubility, cocatalyst, and recyclable catalyst

Towards White LEDs
Ultrasmall cadmium selenide nanocrystals can glow with a bright, white light, according to US researchers

Soluble Water-oxidation Electrocatalyst
Water-soluble electrochemical catalyst based on a copper–bipyridine complex that can oxidize water to oxygen

2012 Wolf Prize in Chemistry
The 2012 Wolf Prize recognizes Paul Alivisatos and Charles Lieber, pioneers in nanotechnology

80th Birthday: Ekkehard Winterfeldt
Ekkehard Winterfeldt, renowned synthetic chemist and former GDCh President, celebrates his 80th birthday

Global Wind Energy Competence Center
Bayer MaterialScience to establish global wind energy competence center in Denmark pooling expertise in research and development

Global Emissions of Carbon Dioxide
Economic recovery brings return to growth of carbon dioxide emissions

Generous Funding for University
SABIC supports scientific studies at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), new avenues for collaborative research

Angewandte Chemie 20/2012: A Trip through the World of Chemistry
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie