Ultrashort flashes of X-radiation allow obtaining atomic structures of macromolecules even from tiny protein crystals

New X-Ray Reveals Architecture Of Small Proteincrystals

100th Anniversary of the Discovery of X-ray Diffraction
X-ray diffraction proved that X-rays are waves and the space lattice theory of crystals. Its discoverer is the answer to Guess the Chemist (6)

European CoolSave-Project
Develop and disseminate cost effective strategies to improve energy efficiency in cooling systems in the food and drink sector

Compact Mobile Laboratory for Identifying Counterfeit Medicines
Global Pharma Health Fund (GPHF) donated compact mobile laboratory for identifying counterfeit medicines to Ghanaian Ministry of Health

Bugs Can't Get a Firm Grip on UTIs
Series of biphenyl α-D-mannosides could prevent and treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) by blocking bacterial adhesion to host cells

Giant Conjugated Macrocycles
Small templates working together have directed the formation of 24-porphyrin nanoring, with a diameter of 10 nm larger than many enzymes

Exposure Assessment of Nanoscale Aerosols
Pragmatic approach to an exposure assessment of nanoscale aerosols released from engineered nanomaterials in the workplace

Ring Expansion of Isatins
Biologically active nitrogen-containing heterocycles have been synthesized through controlled ring expansion of isatin derivatives

The Settlers of Catan Found Oil
Catan: Oil Springs is a new scenario for the popular board game The Settlers of Catan by Klaus Teuber

Simulated Lotus Effect
Simulation how surfaces have to look to keep themselves free of liquids also raises detection sensitivity of analytical techniques