François Diederich, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, receives Doctor Honoris Causa by the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

François Diederich Honored

Concerted Approach to Decomposition
NMR spectroscopy helps unravel how malonic anhydrides decompose, a long-standing point of controversy in physical chemistry

New Catalytic System for Biodiesel Production
Clean and efficient production of biodiesel and glycerol from soybean and microbial lipids

New Cracker Plans at US Gulf Coast
ExxonMobil Chemical plans a multi-billion-dollar ethylene and polyethylene expansion project for the US Gulf Coast

Electron-Donating Tetrathienyl-Substituted Borole
Thienyl-substituted borole with pronounced electron-donating character as new example of borolebased π-conjugated compounds designed

Diabetes Medication From Maraine Snails
New type 2 diabetes medication without typical side effects like hypoglycaemia discovered

H. Overkleeft Receives Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
Professor Hermen S. Overkleeft, Leiden University, the Netherlands, is elected recipient of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award

Reactivity at Air-Water Interface
Chemical properties at the air-water interface of the atmospherically important free radicals were investigated by computer simulations

Angewandte Author Profiles June 2012
Max Malacria, Kiyotomi Kaneda, Zuowei Xie, and Helmut Schwarz are interviewed this month

French Chemical Society Awards
The French Chemical Society has presented several awards at a ceremony at the University Claude Bernard, Lyon