A binol salt can be used as a surfactant in the preparation of a stable aqueous dispersion of graphene

Curious About Binol in Graphene Prep

Growing Nanoflowers With Proteins
A new method to produce protein-inorganic nanoflowers

Tungsten Phosphanylphosphinidene Complexes
Side-on bonded anionic phosphanylphos phinidene complexes of tungsten are readily synthesized

ACHEMA Reporter
Students talk to the ACHEMA exhibitors for the most interesting news on behalf of Wiley-VCH journals

NADPH Depletion? Take the Other Route
Regulating NADPH homeostasis via AMPK allows cancer cells to survive energy stress

Wastewater and Antibiotic Resistance
Impact of treated wastewater irrigation on antibiotic resistance in agricultural soils

Proteins Produce Semiconductors
Genetic engineering and molecular evolution used to develop the enzymatic synthesis of a semiconductor

Angewandte Chemie 25/2012: Never Boring, Always Magic
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Making Emoticons with DNA
New strategy allows efficient assembly of synthetic DNA into complex bi-dimensional shapes

Restriction of Phthalates
Combined proposal to restrict four classified phthalates under REACH not justified