New task for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

Making Batteries on the European Market More Sustainable

Aminoboration of Directing-Group-Free Alkenes with R2N–H
Palladium and iron as co-catalysts for alkene aminoboration

Catalytic Hydrosilylation of Imines
A wide range of imines were hydrosilylated using a variety of silanes, catalyzed by electronically unsaturated cationic aluminum hydrides

First Cyclic Sandwich Complexes
Isomorphous series of circular sandwich compounds synthesized, which the researchers call cyclocenes

Highly Crystalline SnS Nanoribbons
High pressures and temperatures give tens-of-micrometers-long tin monosulfide nanoribbons

Farewell to Static Print and PDF Articles?
Will text-generated AI shift the publication practice of articles towards updatable FAIR datasets?

Enhancing the Photoacoustic Performance of Metal Nanoclusters
A weakly polar solvent effectively enhances photoacoustic intensity and photoacoustic conversion efficiency of atomically precise metal nanoclusters (MNCs)

One-Step Synthesis of Cyclobutenofullerenes
Reaction of C60 with secondary propargylic phosphates

New e-Cracking Technology
Microwave Chemical, Chiyoda Corporation, and Mitsui Chemicals jointly develop a microwave-based naphtha cracking technology

Plastic Waste Input into the Sea Overestimated, Persistence Underestimated
Global mass of plastic floating at the surface dominated by large, long-lived pieces of waste