D. Milstein, Israel, and N. Martin, Spain, have been chosen as the 2012 EuCheMS Lecturers by the EuCheMS Executive Board

EuCheMS Lecture Awarded

Electrochemical Hydrazine Sensors
A novel hydrazine sensor consisting of functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes and gold nanoparticles is reported

Influence of Advancing Ice Melt
Influence of the widespread glacial melting and rapid rise in freshwater inflow on marine algae along the west coast of Greenland

Synthesis of Metal–Organic Framework Membrane
First report of the synthesis of polymer-supported and large-scale free-standing metal-organic framework (MOF) membranes

Lubrication Oil Emitted By Aircrafts
Lubrication oil emission can be a significant component of organic particulate matter (PM) in aircraft engine exhaust

Understanding Biomineralization Systems
Unique composition and architecture of cystoliths, mineralized objects found in the leaves of several plants, discovered

S. Shaik and M. Quack Receive August Wilhelm von Hofmann Gold Medal
Sason Shaik, Israel, and Martin Quack, Switzerland, are awarded the August Wilhelm von Hofmann Gold Medal of the GDCh

Open Innovation in Drug Discovery
Exponentially growing availability of open data and its exploitation in drug discovery and development significantly impacts pharmaceutical sciences

Marc Taillefer Awarded European Sustainable Chemistry Award
M. Taillefer, France, has been awarded European sustainability award by EuCheMS for his work on Cu- and Fe-based catalysis

Most Accessed Articles: July 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for July 2012