A supramolecular complex between a fullerene and a concave coronene derivative can be processed into photovoltaic devices

Plugging in a Ball and Socket

Combatting the Bitterness of Cheese By-Products
The bitterness of whey protein hydrolysates, commonly used as dietary supplements, can be counteracted by bitter taste inhibitors

Microrobots Assemble Cell Patterns
Optically generated vapor bubbles make hydrogel microrobots move; a novel new way of creating non-mechanical microbots

Fluorescent Investigations
Aplyronine A’s mechanism of action investigated using its fluorescent derivative

Angewandte Chemie 36/2012: About Gold and Swans
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Author Profiles August 2012
Shu-Li You, Oliver Reiser, Ying-Chun Chen, Julius Rebek, Jr., and Holger Braunschweig were interviewed this month

How Harmful is Water Pipe Smoking
Water pipe smoking has the same respiratory effects as smoking cigarettes

Droplet Growth Depends on Size
Smallest droplets grow notably faster compared to their larger siblings

Protein on the Edge
Lysozyme is detected voltammetrically at the water/ionic liquid interface

Living Against the Clock BioEssays Press Release
Is the loss of the natural circadian rhythms of our bodies a contributing factor to the growing problem of obesity?