European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) starts to publish comments during Harmonised Classification and Labelling (CLH) public consultations
ECHA Increases Transparency
Simultaneous Production of Methanol and Ethylene Glycol
Readily available Ru catalyst can be used for production of methanol and ethylene glycol from ethylene carbonate, formed from carbon dioxide and ethylene oxide
A DNA Hydrogel Capable of Metamorphosis
US researchers have created a DNA-based hydrogel with unique mechanical features useful in electronics or for medical purposes
Tired of Rankings
Planned boycott of rankings of the German Chemistry Departments at the Universities
Optically Active Dihydrobenzofurans
An organocatalytic method yields 2,3-disubstituted dihydrobenzofurans with high optical purity
New Tool for Heterocycle Functionalization
Zinc bis(alkanesulphinate) salts are a chemical toolkit enabling the synthesis of novel heterocycles for drug discovery
Sensitive and Selective Mercury Detection
Zinc(II) porphyrin–octadeoxythymidine is a highly sensitive and selective fluorescence and absorption sensor for mercury ions in water
Production Site for Antioxidant Blends in Bahrain
BASF is opening a state-of-the-art production site for customer specific antioxidant blends (CSB) in the Kingdom of Bahrain
Dipeptide Ligands for Hydrogen-Production Catalysts
A peptide-based outer-coordination sphere of hydrogenases increases efficiency for hydrogen production
Pulsating Microcapsules
Polymer gel microcapsules can oscillate in and out depending on pH, offering potential for regular, self-medicating devices