A simple and direct difluoroalkylation reaction of heterocycles allows a general synthesis of heteroarylether bioisosteres

Direct C−H Difluoroalkylation of Heterocycles

Dendrimers the Size of a Virus
Dendrimers have been constructed that are the size of small viruses and which could have potential as drug carriers and catalysts

Effective Presentations—A Must
Craig J. Hawker, University of California, USA, discusses presentation skills and gives some points for creating good slides

It’s ALL About a Cytosolic 5’-Nucleotidase
Cytosolic 5’-nucleotidase II hyper-activation causes drug resistance and relapse in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients

Nanocomposite Battery Materials
Microwave synthesis of a high-performance nanorod/graphene hybrid for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries

Anticancer Graphene
Graphene nanosheet coated with silica shows synergistic chemo-photochemical effect in targeting otherwise difficult-to-treat cancer

Meyer-Galow Prize for Susanne Röhrig
Susanne Röhrig, Bayer HealthCare, is the first recipient of the Meyer-Galow Prize for chemistry industry

Mesoporous Materials Clean Phosphorus out of Water
La-functionalized cage-type mesoporous materials with tuneable entrance sizes could help control eutrophication and recover phosphorous

Continuous Flow to Pure Amines
A practical procedure for the kinetic resolution of (+/-)-phenylethylamine under continuous flow conditions is developed

Breathing Polymer Vesicles
The size and membrane permeability of polymer vesicles can be controlled by the addition and removal of carbon dioxide