BASF plans production of butanediol from renewable feedstock using Genomatica technology

Large Scale Commercial Production of Renewable Butanediol

Evonik Plans New Silica Plant in Brazil
Evonik has started basic engineering for a production plant for precipitated silica in Brazil

Tuning a pH Sensor
Pyridyl-monoannulated naphthalene diimide—a reversible probe for acid sensing and tunable formation of nanostructures

What is the Right TD-DFT Functional?
The choice of exchange correlation function in time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) has a great impact on accuracy

Physical Chemistry Prizes Awarded at the 112th Bunsentagung
The German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry presented several awards at their annual conference in Karlsruhe

Biocompatible Microelectrodes for Brain Monitoring
Biocompatible, nanoparticles-coated microelectrodes record cerebral cortex’s electrical activity with a high performance

Cytotoxicity of Graphene Oxide
Are graphene oxide production methods interchangeable? A study into their cytotoxicity examines this dilemma

Too Much Alcohol? Eat Corn!
Corn peptides stimulate ethanol metabolism and can be used to alleviate hangover symptoms following alcohol intoxication

Materials for New Solid-state Electrolytes
The use of a new anion, carbamoylcyano(nitroso)methanide, for the development of novel organic ionic plastic crystals is reported

Angewandte Author Profiles April 2013
George A. Olah, Janine Cossy, Bernhard Breit, Xinchen Wang, Alexandra M. Z. Slawin, and Stefan Grimme are interviewed this month