Storing pressurized hydrogen in carbon nanotubes could already be approaching the US Department of Energy's 2015 targets

Carbon Nanotubes: Gas Tank of the Future?

Easy Demetalation of Porphyrins
A simple, mild, methodology for the transformation of nickel porphyrins to the corresponding free-base porphyrins

Most Accessed Articles: May 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for May 2013

How to Determine a Reaction's Usefulness
A way to analyze novel organic reactions and determine whether they will have wide or limited utility in organic syntheses has been developed

Science on the Market: What Does Competition Do to Research?
Michael Hampe, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, argues that scientists should not oversell their work in the pursuit of competitive funding

Portable TB Detector
A device for the genetic detection of pathogenic bacteria has emerged from microfluidics research coupled with NMR spectroscopy

New Route for Large-Scale Graphene Production
In his 1000st paper Fraser Stoddart describes a direct exfoliation of graphene sheets from graphite in water

Magnetic Protein Microcapsules for Targeted Delivery
Protein microcapsules with iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles embedded in the shells as potential drug-delivery carriers

Targeting an Undruggable Protein
Deltarasin is a novel anti-tumoral drug which targets KRAS by inhibiting its association with PDEδ

LiBSi2: New Boron and Silicon Framework
Tetrahedral semiconductor framework from boron and silicon is a promising material for lithium-ion batteries