Martin Quack, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, celebrates his 65th birthday

65th Birthday: Martin Quack

Titania: Black is the New White
A mass production technique for reducing brilliant white titanium dioxide to black for applications in solar energy conversion has been devised

Multiple Tank Explosions at Refinery Plant: A Case Study
By analyzing the causes of the incident, necessary actions are proposed to avoid the recurrence of similar events

Improve REACH Dokumentation
Roadmap to improve the quality of the exposure scenarios included in the REACH chemical safety reports and in the extended safety data sheets

Titanium Dioxide for Sensitive Immunosensors
Titanium dioxide nanolayers as electrodes and titanium dioxide nanoparticles for enhanced immunosensing using electrochemiluminescence

Iron Complex with Photophysical Reversibility
True light-induced bistabiltiy in a spin-crossover molecular solid as a prototype for cooperative molecular switching

Migration of Nanoparticles from Textiles
More realistic exposure scenario for wearing Ag- and TiO2-engineered nanoparticle-containing textiles

How to Boost U.S. Economy
New McKinsey report identifies five catalysts for growth and describes their possible impacts till 2020

Depositing Nanoparticles on Semicrystalline Polymers
Au nanoparticles deposited onto a poly(ethylene glycol) substrate quickly coarsen depending on their location on the polymer film

Diamonds—An Electrodes' Best Friend
Diamond nanoelectrode arrays can be used to study adsorption phenomena at the liquid–solid interface