SABIC hires Linde to build world's largest carbon-capture plant
Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) Project in Saudi Arabia
Nanoparticles Awake the Immune System
PLGA-b-PEG nanoparticles delivering zinc phthalocyanine can be used to stimulate the immune system against cancer cells
Joint R&D for Polypropylene Catalyst Technology
Clariant signs long-term joint development and commercialization agreements with Lummus Novolen Technology
Bubble Stripping
Bubble stripping with air is used to remove residual methanol from crude biodiesel
Bowled Over by Single Isomer of Bisumanenyl
Sumanene dimer synthesized as a single isomer by a group of scientists in Japan
Most Accessed Articles: July 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for July 2013
Evonik’s Largest Oil Additive Production Sites
Evonik to significantly expand its oil additives capacity in Singapore
Glowing Graphene Dots
Graphene quantum dots with the right functionalization can be used to sense copper in living cells
Nanotech Toughens Up Water Purification
Silica-titania nanofibers could provide a tougher filter for cleaning up water contaminated with sewage or industrial pollutants
100th Anniversary of the First PVC Patent
Production method for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) first patented 100 years ago by Friedrich Klatte; answer to Guess the Chemist (20)