Copper(II) salts are used to catalyze the synthesis of four classes of chalcogenophene derivatives

Nontoxic Chalcogenophane Synthesis

South-East Asia’s Largest Bicarbonate Plant
Solvay plans to build a sodium bicarbonate plant with a total capacity of 100,000 ton per year in Thailand

Sharpest X-ray Beam
Resolution at DESY's light source PETRA III substantially increased

Rapid Synthesis of Half-Sandwich Complexes
Half-sandwich complexes can be prepared easily by microwave heating

Three Topological Structures in One Pot
Simply mixing two different ligands with zinc(II) ions results in the simultaneous formation of a [2]catenane, a trefoil knot, and a Solomon link

First Polyurethane Aerogel Panel
New insulating material with excellent isolation values is extremely thin and easy to produce

Photolabeling the Binding Site of Propofol
Using a photolabeling technique, UK scientists revealed how the general anesthetic propofol interacts with its target

Pushing Back Nanoscale Frontiers
How to make functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes soluble under mild conditions

Highly Elastic Hydrogels
Graphene oxide (GO)/polyacrylamide (PAM) hydrogels display good strength and elasticity

Tin and Iridium Catalyze Cyclotrimerizations
Iridium(I) complex is activated by tin(II) chloride to catalyze cyclotrimerization of terminal alkynes