A dark brown roast coffee is shown to be less effective at stimulating the secretion of gastric acid than a medium roast blend

Is Coffee Giving You Heartburn? Try a Darker Roast!

More R&D in India
BASF opens global R&D center in Mumbai, India

Angewandte Chemie 11/2014: Are Some Types of Research More Equal than Others?
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Rapid Assessment of Protecting-Group Stability
Stability screening of widely utilized silyl, acetal, and carbamate protecting groups

Inducing the Self-Digestion of Melanoma Cells
A compound that kills melanoma cells through an apoptosis-independent mechanism has been discovered

Nanoparticles Separate Oil from Water
A new strategy for anchoring nanoparticles to 3D substrates led to the formation of sponges that separate oil from water

New Type of Sodium-Ion Battery
A NASICON-type Na3V2(PO4)3 cathode material is investigated in an aqueous sodium-ion battery

Asian Plant for Better Vision
Retinal degeneration can be prevented by ethanol extracts of a plant widely cultivated in East Asia

Thiazolothiazole-Containing Ambipolar Organic Semiconductor
A thiazolothiazole-containing ambipolar semiconductor with high hole and electron mobilities was synthesized

Let Bacteria Do the Job
Proof-of-principle for a low-cost recycling method for the production of acetone, butanol, and ethanol by clostridia strains