Zeolite-polymer nanofiber meshes purifying blood from circulating toxins are a promising alternative to dialysis

Nanofiber Meshes: An Alternative to Dialysis?

Tetrathiafulvalene Stacking
Hydrogen bonding stabilizes tetrathiafulvalene stacking and dimerization

Detecting Copper a Turn-On
Hexaazapentacene derivative is selective for sensing the presence of copper

New Lead for Lead-like Compounds
A modular synthetic route to a range of piperazine-based drug-lead-like scaffolds has been developed

Tetrathiafulvalene Goes Large
The synthesis of large π-conjugated chromophores based on tetrathiafulvalene

New Source of Methionine
Evonik will build a plant for the production of a new source of methionine specially developed for shrimp and other crustaceans

Palm Hearts: Overlooked Healthy Vegetables
Palm hearts are vegetables having a good nutritional composition and healthy properties

Awareness-Rising on Safe Use of Chemicals
ECHA has expanded their web section "Chemicals in our Life" and launched a facebook account to reach the general public

Polyperfluoroalkylation of Naphthalene
Efficient synthesis of highly perfluoroalkylated naphthalene compounds with unprecedented substitution patterns

Dual-Responsive Nanoparticles Against Inflammation
Nanoparticles responsive to reactive oxygen species and low pH deliver therapeutics directly to sites of inflammation