The antidiabetic drug rogislitazone is a valuable tool to treat a deadly complication of malaria

Fighting Cerebral Malaria

Donor–Silicon–Acceptor Polymers
Silicon offers new options for polymers and organic electronics

Blackberries? Frozen, Please
Long-term freezing is an easy and appropriate method to store blackberries without altering their chemical content

Triazole-Tailored Biomimetic Ion Channels
A self-assembled “click” ion channel platform has been established in a one-pot reaction

Long-Term Measurements with Ionic Liquid Electrodes
Ionic liquid gel-assisted electrodes enable measurements in electrophysiological recordings over long periods

Uncovering the Mysterious Electrocatalysis of Carbon Nanotubes
Electrocatalytic activities of carbon nanotubes greatly vary with the adsorption of carboxylated carbonaceous fragments

Recharge Your Cell Phone by Walking
Triboelectric nanogenerator developed to convert all kinds of mechanical energy that is wasted at the moment into electricity

Expanding the Field of Metallaaromatics
First synthesis and reactivity studies of m-metallaphenol

More Ubiquitin, Less Cancer
A selective inhibitor of a deubiquitinating complex sensitizes cancer cells to the chemotherapeutic drug cisplatin

Stephen Lippard Awarded the Priestley Medal
Professor Stephen J. Lippard, USA, has been awarded the Priestley Medal, the highest honor of the ACS