Facing the challenge of the simple preparation of single-molecule magnet/metal–organic framework materials

SIMs to be in (3D) Order

Plastic in Deep Seas
Nearly all of Europe’s deep seas are polluted with litter, mainly with plastic

Angewandte Chemie 21/2014: Strength and Flexibility
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Fried, Scrambled, or Analyzed?
Eggs from seven different species are differentiated by using gas-chromatography coupled mass spectrometry and electronic nose

Lipase: Rather Fixed than Free
Immobilization of the lipase SMG1 and its application in synthesis of diacylglycerides

Surface-Grafted Semiconductor Layer
Surface-initiated ring-opening polymerization forms semiconductor films on silicon

Seeing the Light, Controllably
Substituents and physical states of o-carboranes can be used to accurately control emission properties

A Midas Touch on Azobenzene
A novel azobenzene forms non-metallic crystals with long-lasting gold color

90th Birthday: Jan Thesing
Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Jan Thesing celebrates his 90th birthday on May 15, 2014.

Swapping the Chiral Pool for Organocatalysis
Quinidine catalyzes the asymmetric synthesis of thiazolidines