Glucose-sensitive dyes combined with nano-plasmonic interferometer enable diabetics to test glucose levels without drawing blood

Easy Glucose Monitoring for Diabetes

The Secret of Longevity: A Painkiller?
Blocking the activity of the pain receptor TRPV1 increases life span in a pre-clinical study

Cross-Diinsertion of C≡N/C≡C into an N–H Bond
Facile synthesis of 1,2,4-trisubstituted imidazoles from propargylamines and nitriles

Angewandte 27/2014: Sweet and Strong
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Power from Florida's Ocean?
Swedish marine energy technology company and US university will examine the feasibility of ocean current power

MRI of Empty Spaces by Hyperpolarization
Proton-based hyperpolarization MRI technique could enable imaging of void spaces such as lungs for early disease detection

150th Birthday: Walther Nernst
Walther Nernst is well known for his work in the areas of electrochemistry and thermodynamics

A New Trick to Catch CO2
Recyclable porous carbon materials fixate carbon dioxide from natural gas

B38 Cage: An All-Boron Fullerene Predicted
Ab initio calculations predict a stable fullerene-like B38 cage cluster

Hydrophobic Catalysts
Introducing a hydrophobic shell enhanced the catalytic activity of core-shell catalysts in one-pot oxidation reactions