Pausing between microwave pulses significantly influences the quality of heated vegetable oil

Heating Vegetable Oils with Microwaves

Going for Gold in Chiral Amine Synthesis
A diphosphine binuclear gold(I) chloride complex catalyzes the asymmetric hydroamination of alkenes

Dust and Microbes Influence Rain
How aerosols impact clouds and regional weather

Synthesis of Polysulfates – Sulfate Click Reaction
Simple, straightforward sulfur(VI) fluoride exchange (SuFEx)-based method for synthesis of polysulfate polymers

Phosphotungstic Acid as an Alternative to Nafion
One-step synthesis of a proton exchange membrane by incorporation of phosphotungstic acid into a polymer matrix

A Step Towards Portable NMR Sensors
A high-sensitivity optical magnetometer can be used as a detector for ultra low-field NMR measurements

Azaheterocycles Made Easy
Flexible route makes azaheterocycles easier to access

Measuring the pK and pI of Biomolecules Using XPS
A new method based on X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) can quantify the dissociation properties of biomolecules

2013 ISI Impact Factors: ChemPubSocEurope Journals
Citations of ChemPubSoc Europe journals increased by more than 100 % in the last five years

75th Birthday: Gerhart Eigenberger
Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerhart Eigenberger, Germany, celebrates his 75th birthday on August 14, 2014