Micelles catalyze reactions to form their own building blocks, mimicking the self-reproduction of living cells

Autocatalysis for Protocells

Easily Changing an Organic Dye
The organic dye peryline bisimide PB-1 was modified in a single step, changing its alignment and dichroic properties

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 – Voting Results Friday 12 September
Latest results for the predictions for the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

A Step Closer to Artificial Photosynthesis?
Photochemical, electrochemical, and photoelectrochemical water oxidation

Richard Schrock Awarded
The Paracelsus Prize is the highest honor of the SCS

Safe and Efficient Drug for Hunter Syndrome
A drug designed to treat Mucopolysaccharidosis II or Hunter syndrome is safe and efficient in Rhesus monkeys

Angewandte Chemie 38/2014: Nobel Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Enzymatic Degumming
A microbial phospholipase is tested for its efficiency in degumming crude vegetable oils

Detecting Chemical Warfare Agents
A colorimetric probe selectively detects a sarin and soman nerve gas mimic

A New Class of Single-Molecule Magnets
New single-molecule magnets make functionalization and processing easier while retaining high blocking temperatures