The first high-resolution, 3-D maps of entire folded genomes revel the principles of chromatin looping

Epigenetics is Origami

Clean Fuels Project
Saudi Aramco and ExxonMobil joint venture Clean Fuels Project reduces sulfur levels in gasoline and diesel

100 Years of Industrial Chemistry
Insights into current topics of industrial chemistry written by specialists committed to Ullmann's Encyclopedia

Separate Metallic Nanoclusters with Ease
Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) is capable of separating gold clusters with atomic precision in a simple and efficient way

Sustainable Production of Solar Cells
Solar cells produced using "green" solvents show higher efficiences than those produced using standard halogenated solvents

Angewandte Chemie 51/2014: Nobel Week
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Superconductivity Without Cooling
Mechanism revealed why a crystal that is irradiated with infrared laser pulses briefly becomes superconducting at room temperature

Powering Batteries With Carbon
Porous carbon anodes for a high capacity lithium-ion battery

Eastman Completes Acquisition of Taminco
Eastman completes $2.8B acquisition of specialty chemical company Taminco

Printing with Light on Rewritable Paper
Rewritable paper based on color-switching redox dyes uses light and heat to print and erase, respectively