Amines bound covalently on silica sponges for high efficiency carbon trapping

Amine Sponges for Carbon Capture

Print Your 3D Crystal
Easy production of full-color 3D models of X-ray crystal structures

Total Synthesis of Tiacumicin B Aglycone
Efficient synthesis of the tiacumicin B aglycone as a basis for structure-activity studies

Concise Total Synthesis of Amphidinolides
Application of ring-closing alkyne metathesis to natural product synthesis

ISO Standard Always the Best?
Rapid quantification of polar compounds in edible, thermo-oxidized oils by HPTLC densitometry

Intercept Signals for Bed Bug Gathering
Scientists finally identify the chemical components of the bed bug aggregation pheromone - premiss to develop commercial traps

Examine DNA Using a Phone
A handheld smartphone-based fluorescence microscopy platform can effectively image and size single DNA molecules

Preparation of Potential Platform Molecule
Scalable, selective and high-yielding synthesis of 5-hydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)furan-2(5H)-one (H2MF)

Discoloration of the Taj Mahal Due to Air Pollution
Relative amounts of light absorbing particles deposited to surfaces used to estimate surface color changes

Photochromic Metal-Organic Frameworks
Photochromic metal-organic frameworks for controlled singlet oxygen generation