ECHA has published a REACH 2018 Roadmap explaining how to register

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70th Birthday: Klaus Roth
Author and Professor Klaus Roth, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, celebrates his 70th birthday

Alternating Polymer Sorts Itself
A linear copolymer assembles itself through host-guest recognition

An Antiaromatic Potential Tetra-Radicaloid
A new member of the corannulene family has strong antiaromaticity and is a potential tetra-radicaloid

Photochemical Nitrogen Conversion
Chalcogels containing FeMoS clusters are capable of photochemically reducing nitrogen to ammonia when irradiated by white light

Combining Family and a Scientific Career
Combining family and work is always a challenge - the question is not really if it is possible but rather how

150th Anniversary: Kekulé's Benzene Structure
Kekulé's groundbreaking idea was published in 1865

Angewandte Chemie 5/2015: The Power of Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Trapping Radicals to Make Acylpyrroles
A convenient microwave-promoted synthesis under mild and non-toxic conditions

Dynamic Behaviour of Bisumenyl
One isomer of the buckybowl dominates in solution