First total synthesis of the unique nortriterpenoids schilancitrilactones B and C

Total Synthesis of Schilancitrilactones B and C

Angewandte Chemie 13/2015: Catalysis and More
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Merck Places U.S. Bond
Placement amounting to US$ 4.0 billion is an important element to finance the proposed acquisition of Sigma-Aldrich

Ca Catalyst for Carboarylation
A simple calcium catalyst offers an alternative to expensive transition metals for carboarylation of internal alkynes

Evonik Strengthens Its Global Catalysts Business
Evonik, Germany, has signed an agreement with Monarch Catalyst, India, to acquire 100 % of the company’s shares

2D Nitrogenated Crystals Better Than Graphene?
Simple and highly efficient technique to produce a two-dimensional nitrogen-containing crystal

200th Birthday: Maxwell Simpson
Eminent Irish organic chemist was the first to synthesize succinic acid

The Birds and the Bees
Male bumblebees display remarkable flexibility in the biosynthesis of marking pheromones from fatty acids

How International Trade Helps Europe
Cefic brochure looks at how opening up chemicals trade can boost jobs and growth in Europe

Struggling with Heat Stress
Targeting the interactions between heat shock response and hormone synthesis pathways can alleviate heat stress in mammals