New chemical vapor deposition technique produces ultrathin semiconducting films

Electronic Devices: Thin Is In

Enzyme Scaffolds from Fish Eye Lenses
Crystallin protein nanofibrils (CPNFs) from fish eye lenses serve as nano-bioscaffolds for immobilizing enzymes

A Short Route to Strychnine
Samarium diiodide-induced cascade cyclization

Graphene for Energy Storage
Argon-ion based plasma processing increases the amount of electric charge that can be stored in graphene

Flexible Approach to Rigid Compounds
An efficient cascade approach to synthesizing C≡C-containing nitrogen heterocycles

Back to the Murraya Roots
Enantiospecific total syntheses of cannabinol-skeletal carbazole alkaloids from root barks of Murraya euchrestifoli

Hydrogenases Get Se-rious
Model [NiFeSe] hydrogenase active site synthesized as a precursor for proton-reduction electrocatalysts

Novel Phase in the Lithium-Silicon System
New high-pressure phase has improved mechanical properties and promise for anode materials

Countering Counterfeiters with Smart Inks
Supramolecular fluorescent materials can be used as counterfeit-proof inks to encrypt and verify information

80th Birthday: Stephen Hanessian
Stephen Hanessian, University of Montreal, Canada, celebrates his 80th birthday