"Father of green chemistry" honored

Emanuel Merck Lectureship Awarded to Paul T. Anastas

Ionic Seebeck Effect in Conducting Polymers
The ionic Seebeck effect enhances the thermoelectric power factor in PEDOT-derivatives significantly

Willy Hager Prize for Sebastian Petzet
Honoring outstanding work in the field of water or waste water treatment

Regulation of Blood Pressure
Blood pressure can drop if the protein ERAP1 is released from cells and enters the blood stream

Regulation of Blood Pressure
Blood pressure regulation by a stress-sensitive gatekeeper

Organic Electronics: Recent Developments
Organic Electronics: Recent Developments

Immune Therapy Rapidly Eliminates Tumors
Large melanoma disappears into thin air after a single dose of a new drug combination

Sustainable Chemistry for Energizing the Planet
Multidisciplinary collaboration will be central for the transition to sustainable energy

Helium Forms Impossible Trio
First experimental evidence of the existence of the long-sought Efimov trimers

Chemistry and the Max Planck Society
A stable bond resonating into the future