Honoring outstanding discoveries in the field of catalysis

French-German Bi-national Award for Matthias Beller

Shi-Gang Sun Awarded
French-Chinese bi-national award for renowned electrochemist

Sandwich-Powered Batteries
Sandwich-structured ternary composites as superior anode materials for lithium-ion batteries

NMR Data on Your Phone or Tablet
App to quickly visualize, process, analyze, and share NMR data on mobile devices

New Route to Phthalides
Rhodium(III) catalysis enables access to phthalides and 2-furanones via directed C–H activation

Multi-Functional Silicone Microspheres
Magnetic, fluorescent, and biocompatible microspheres synthesized by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis

Competitive Routes for Cytochrome P450
What determines the selectivity of aliphatic hydroxylation vs. desaturation of compounds by P450 isozymes?

100th Anniversary: Clara Immerwahr's Death
A role model for her pursuit of science in spite of obstacles and for her strong moral convictions

New Tunable Phosphorus-Doped Conductor
Transparent titanium dioxide photocatalyst with tunable electronic properties

Aerogen Bonding: Noble, yet Amicable
Covalently bonded noble gas atoms show weak interactions with electron donors