A crosslinking approach for the synthesis of phospholipopeptides under mild conditions

Synthesis of Phospholipopeptides

Upscaling Organic Photovoltaic Cells
Nanowires are used to interconnect large-area semitransparent organic photovoltaic modules

Angewandte Chemie 24/2015: The Many Shapes and Forms of Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Miniature Diagnostics Platform
Light-weight high-performance diagnostics platform for the detection of virus infections

Particles Ride on Magnetic Carpets
Magnetic fields propel and steer cargo-carrying colloidal sheets leading to efficient cargo transport

Suppressing Dendrite Growth in Lithium Batteries
Thin ion-conducting membrane for lithium batteries hinders the growth of lithium crystals

Scalable Access to Aeruginosins
Palladium-catalyzed CāH activation reactions

Escaping the Immune System
Macrophage cell membranes are used to camouflage nanocapsules carrying drugs for anti-cancer therapy

Diketopyrrolopyrroles ā From Cars to Microscopy
Red dye enters a new field of application: two-photon fluorescence imaging

Light Reduces a Chromium Hazard
Stopped-flow process sheds light on the photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI)