China's universities are on the rise in the Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings

Asia University Rankings 2015

ACHEMA Start-Up Award 2015
Finalists announced in the competition for technology-oriented entrepreneurs

New Phases Through Pressure
High-pressure crystallographic study of cobalt(II) dicyanamide shows that pressure can generate new phases

Antioxidants and Cardioprotective Ingredients from Milk
Compounds formed in milk-based products lower serum total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and triglycerides

Angewandte Chemie 25/2015: Selective Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

95th Birthday: Rolf Huisgen
Rolf Huisgen, University of Munich, Germany, celebrates his 95th birthday

70th Birthday: Luis Oro
Former EuCheMS president Luis Oro celebrates his 70th birthday

New Psilocybe Mushroom in Germany
Psilocybe germanica lives on wood chips and contains significant amounts of psilocybin and baeocystin

The Elusive Hydrangea Blue
Blue food colorings are notoriously unstable: researchers identify structural information of the hydrangea blue pigment

Cascade Synthesis of Fluorinated Tetrahydroquinazolines
Convenient Lewis acid catalyzed synthesis of common drug framework