Improving indoor air at workplaces makes employees feel better and the company gains productivity

Measurements Improve Workspaces

Energy from Evaporating Water
Powered directly from evaporation: an engine that causes a light to flash and one that drives a miniature car

Angewandte Chemie 26/2015: Well Timed
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

2014 Impact Factors of ChemPubSoc Europe Journals
The journals published by the ChemPubSoc Europe societies again received excellent results

2014 Impact Factors of ACES Journals
Excellent results for the journals published by the ACES societies

Large Catalyst Plant in Shanghai
BASF breaks ground on new, world-scale chemical catalysts manufacturing plant in Shanghai

Single-Molecule Chemistry
Optical experiments on single molecules were first successfully carried out more than 25 years ago

Natural Gas Technologies And New Energy Technologies Cooperation
ExxonMobil, Korea Institute of Technology, and Korea Gas Corporation collaborate on research and development

Control of Microbial Growth in Microbeads
Coating alginate microbeads with ultrathin shells enables tight control of microbial growth

Student Reporters at ACHEMA
Science and engineering students report on trends at forum for the process industry