The Institute of Chemistry at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem was the first of its kind in the country

Chemistry at Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Most Accessed Articles: June 2015
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals for June 2015

The Graphene Flagship
A giant European research project

The Science of Deep Sleep
Voltage-gated calcium channels play an important role in deep sleep

Understanding Self-Assembly at Interfaces
Hydrogen bonds control stabilization during nucleation and elongation

Synthesis of Polysubstituted Haloimidazoles
Pharmacologically important diversely functionalized tetrasubstituted imidazoles synthesized under mild conditions

Saliva and Fingerprints For Drug Testing
Effectiveness of saliva and fingerprints as alternative specimens to urine and blood in forensic drug testing

Excellent Catalysts for Recycling of Released CO2
Effective low-pressure catalyst for carbon dioxide reduction to methanol

The Strongest Superbases
Investigating the potential limits of superbasicity

Non-Racemic Planar-Chiral Cyclophanes
Resin-supported peptide catalyst for kinetic resolution of a planar-chiral [2.2]paracyclophane derivative