Why did carbon dioxide emissions in the US decrease by 11 % between 2007 and 2013?

Did the Fracking Boom Lower US Carbon Emissions?

Angewandte Chemie 31/2015: Strategies and Methods
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Pollution-Fighting Particles
Polymer nanoparticles trap pollutants, then clump together under UV light for easier clean-up

Summer Reading 2015
Editors recommend entertaining chemistry and science related books for your summer break

Fighting Tumors With Their Own Enzymes
Paclitaxel-loaded nanoparticles directly target metastatic tumors

Synthesis of High-Quality Graphene
Liquid film ensures a defect-free substrate surface

Chemistry in Taiwan and the Academia Sinica
What is the current status of chemical research in Taiwan?

Mass Spectrometry of Mouse Breath
Pharmacokinetic behavior of drugs studied by mass spectrometric analysis of mouse breath

Cyclometalation of Phosphanes at Iridium
Intramolecular reductive elimination caused by the strong π-acceptor ligands CO and NO+

Stretchy Wearable Speakers
Liquid metal microchannel makes a thin, flexible speaker for wearable electronic devices