The shear stresses of the flowing blood activates a receptor; ultimately this leads to a reduction in blood pressure

New Receptor Controls Blood Pressure

How Old is that Fingerprint?
Fatty acid diffusion rates could provide forensic clues in crime scene investigations

Targeting Tough Tuberculosis
Oxathiozolone inhibitors of the Mycobacterium tuberculosi proteasome could lead to new TB therapies

Sabic Invests in US Shale Gas Industry
Sabic plans to expand investment in US shale gas projects through joint ventures

Improved Electrode for Water Splitting
Silicone nanofilaments as a free-standing support for nanostructured nickel oxide anode

Addressing a New Drug Target
Family of potent inhibitors of the enzyme gyrase B identified

BASF's Executive Board
BASF Supervisory Board extends appointment of four Executive Board members by five years

Cooking Up PET Tracers in a Snap
Radiofluorinated tracers for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging made by one-pot method in under an hour

Mixed Economic Developments in German Chemical Industry
Production increased, sales rose, prices dropped, investments go abroad for cost reasons

Chemistry in a Materials World
Chemists need to play an active part in the synthesis of materials