Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 33/2015: A Long and Rich History

Photocatalytic Synthesis of Oxindoles
Visible-light photoredox catalysis yields sulfonated oxindoles from aryl acrylamides and aryl sulfinic acids

Reviewer Recognition
ChemPubSoc Europe, the Asian Chemical Editorial Society (ACES), and Wiley-VCH say thank you to referees

Expanding Catalysis with Ship-in-a-Bottle Nanoreactors
Yolk-shell nanoreactors with nanometer-thin porous polymer shells

New Material: 2D Stanene
Atom thick layer of stanene fabricated; unusually electronic phenomena theoretically predicted

Enhanced Materials for Organic Photovoltaics
Merck and Nano-C join to develop highly stable, easy to process, cost effective fullerene derivatives for organic photovoltaics (OPV)

Desulfurization Gives Value-Added Products
New method for hydrogen sulfide removal with sodium naphthalenide yields useful products

What's That Smell?
Trained sniffers create a library of odor thresholds and descriptions for food odors and pheromones

Deepest Detection of Active Life
At almost 2.5 km beneath the sea floor, microbial life produces methane from coal

One-pot Odourless Synthesis of Thioesters
Efficient, versatile, odourless protocol for a one-pot preparation of thioesters from non-thiolic precursors under mild conditions