New reagent allows oligoarginine conjugates to be selectively prepared by a simple procedure

Solid-Supported Reagent for Conjugating Oligoarginine

Dopamine Makes Strong Mandibles
Dopamine oxidation hardens mandible tissues rapidly, so grasshoppers can begin eating right after hatching

Merging Chemistry And Genomics to Understand RNA
Novel genome-scale technologies that are just now being developed help gain a holistic perspective on RNA structure

Two Proteins Contribute to Parkinson
Influence of two proteins on Parkinson's disease may lead to early disease intervention

Time to Close the Boracycle
1,1-Carboboration reaction can serve as an entry to thermally induced bora-Nazarov cyclization

UK Gives Licences to Frack
Additional licences for exploratory shale gas drilling at 27 onshore oil exploration sites in the UK

Angel's Share Authenticates Rare Wines
Carbon dating of ethanol in wine corks verifies vintage in sealed bottles

Superconductivity Record
New high temperature record for conducting electricity without resistance

100th Anniversary: Paul Ehrlich’s Death
Nobel Laureate, eminent immunologist, and founder of chemotherapy

Sustainable Supply Chains
Cefic and Together for Sustainability (TfS) help make chemicals supply chains more sustainable