Substrate-controlled asymmetric total syntheses of (+)-microcladallenes A, B, and C based on previously proposed structures

Total Syntheses of Microcladallenes A, B, and C

Reusing Carbon Dioxide in the Chemical Industry
Industrial syntheses which use carbon dioxide as a feedstock assessed

Going Beyond the Bone
Non-bisphosphonate FPPS inhibitors could treat various conditions caused by lipid overproduction

Merck Re-Organizes Healthcare Top Management
Effective September 30, Merck’s largest business sector will be governed by the Healthcare Executive Committee

The Smell of Death
Volatile organic compounds specific to decomposing human tissue identified

The Evolution of Enamel in Fish
Fossil fish scales and modern fish genes shed light on when enamel first appeared and how fish species are related

Survival of the Fittest Crystal
What are the driving forces triggering co-crystal formation under milling conditions?

Silicon as a High-Capacity Anode Material
Highly lithiated silicon surprisingly stable towards mechanical degradation

Does it Make Sense to Test Soccer Players for Steroids?
Longitudinal study assesses new UEFA steroid testing rules

Truly Comprehensive Virus Detection
Sensitive sequencing detects all known vertebrate viruses