DuPont Board of Directors names Edward D. Breen Chair and CEO

Edward D. Breen DuPont's CEO

SABIC's Reorganization
SABIC announces global operational transformation to create a more agile, cost-efficient, and customer-focused organization

Red-Emitting Carbon Dot Sensors
Carbon dots as real-time fluorescent sensors for toxic ammonia gas

Stability of Filled Chocolates
Changes in chocolate crystallization are influenced by the filling

75th Birthday: Jürgen O. Metzger
Sustainable chemistry proponent celebrates his 75th birthday

Crystallized OMIMs
Crystal structures and nitrogen sorption isotherms for organic molecules of intrinsic microporosity

Metathesis Catalysts on 2D Zeolites
Reusable immobilized Hoveyda–Grubbs complexes with good activity

Interfacial Effects in Bimetallic Nanocatalysts
Ultrathin Pd-Ag nanosheets used to examine synergetic effects in the selective decomposition of formic acid

Brushing Up On Cell Imaging
Bottlebrush polymers tipped with DNA bind large numbers of fluorophores

Photovoltaics Respond to a Solar Eclipse
Influence of photovoltaic power disruption on the electrical energy grid in response to the 2015 solar eclipse