Resistive switching observed in nanodevices based on surface-anchored metal-organic frameworks

Switch It Up with Surface-Anchored MOFs

Predictive Modelling in Pharmaceutical Development
Reliable property predictions of drug candidates

A Closer Look at the Dengue Virus Cap
Crystal structure shows how an enzyme places a protective cap on the RNA of the dengue virus

Otto Hahn Prize 2015
Physicochemist Professor Jürgen Troe honored for his work on reaction kinetics

Protecting a Lightweight Alloy
Simple two-step process protects magnesium alloys from corrosive solutions

Fluorinated Organic Molecules for Information Storage
O-Fluoroazobenzene-based donor-acceptor molecules as active components in memory devices

Climate Change Will Impair European Wheat Production
Extreme weather conditions cause a need for new adaptation strategies

Angewandte Chemie 48/2015: Not Just One Ring
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Sandmeyer-Type Trifluoromethylation
Syntheses with late-stage introduction of fluorinated moieties

Cell-Free Protein Synthesis
Easy production of protein-based drugs and vaccines