Pressure and temperature induced phase transitions bring about dramatic changes in volume

Thorium Molybdate Feels the Squeeze

European Chemical Industry Supports COP21
European chemical industry congratulates governments on conclusion of climate change agreement

Nanotubes for Protein Separation
Copper silicate nanotubes with high surface area are a recyclable protein adsorbent

75th Anniversary: Discovery of Plutonium
Element 94 was first produced and isolated at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory in 1940

Willingness to Register
13 % of inspected companies have missed some of their REACH registration duties

75th Birthday: Henning Hopf
Organic chemist and author celebrates his 75th birthday

Coffee Reduces DNA Breaks
Short-term study shows coffee consumption correlates with reduced DNA background damage

Angewandte Chemie 51/2015: Feel the Heat, Feel the Pressure
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

DuPont and Dow approved an agreement under which they will combine in an all-stock merger of equals

Looking Inside Lithium-Ion Batteries
Infrared spectroscopy allows studying lithium-ion batteries during operation