Thisbe K. Lindhorst, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, has been elected President of the German Chemical Society (GDCh)

New GDCh President

New President of Swiss Chemical Society
Dr. A. De Mesmaeker, Syngenta Fellow, elected President of the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS)

Non-Innocent Tris(thiolate) Explained
Better understanding of redox-active ligands using ab initio calculations

Cocaine Metabolites in Hair
Testing for minor cocaine metabolites in hair analysis has limited applications for definitive proof of active cocaine consumption

Symbiodinolide's C79-C104 Fragment
Stereoselective synthesis of the proposed C79-C104 fragment of symbiodinolide, a polyol marine natural product

More Colors for Your Screen
Electrochromic polymers change color with applied voltage

Tools to Characterize RNA
Among various known RNA labeling methods, position-selective labelling of RNA (PLOR) is a rather new technology

All in a Spin
Spin crossover properties observed in iron complexes of a homoleptic series

Concrete Cracks Fix Themselves
Self-healing concrete could make safer structures, reduce repair costs, and cut down on greenhouse gases

First Study of Microplastics in Rivers
Rhine among the most microplastics polluted rivers