Bubble-pen nanolithography produces precise patterns of nanoparticles on a plasmonic substrate

Writing With a Bubble Pen

Most Active Nanozyme
Highest nanozyme oxidase activity reported for a remarkable MnFe2O4 nanooctahedron morphology

Elements 113, 115, 117 and 118 Added
The periodic table of the chemical elements is growing by four elements

Tiny Tubes Do Speedy Cleanup
Micromotor device cleans up wastewater pollutants by using them for fuel

Proteins Modified to Order
A new method for site-selective protein conjugation based on aromatic nucleophilic substitution

A Better Anode for Na Ion Batteries
SnSe/RGO exhibits promising capacity and stability as a potential anode material for sodium ion batteries

Identifying Bacterial Biofilms
A fluorescent probe for monitoring biofilms in clinical situations has been discovered

Silver Wires Make a Rainbow
Plasmon resonances in nanowire arrays rotate polarized light, creating a wide range of colors

ChemBioChem Appoints New Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Meghan Campbell named as Editor-in-Chief of ChemBioChem

2016 ACS President
The new President of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is Donna Nelson, former science advisor to Breaking Bad