Carborane acid H(CHB11F11) protonates carbon dioxide to claim the title of strongest acid known

The Strongest Acid

Students Involved in NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Mission
MIT graduate students build the Regolith X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (REXIS) instrument for NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Mission

Scarcity of Sand
An omnipresent yet scarce and vital raw material

New Synthetic Source of Scarce Anticancer Drug
Total synthesis provides a reliable supply of marine macrolide Mandelalide A

Forecast of European Chemical Production
European chemical industry forecasts 1 % growth for 2016

Angewandte Chemie 2/2016: Power Up
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Investment in High-Performance Compounds
LANXESS doubles high-performance plastics production capacity in North America; investment of around USD 15 million

New State of Hydrogen
High-pressure experiment produced the first precursor of a metallic atomic hydrogen-state

Chemistry Goes Viral
Using chemical techniques on viruses leads to advanced drug delivery systems

Solar Thermal Fuels for Heat Release Applications
For the first time a macroscopic energy release is demonstrated for solid-state solar thermal fuels