Two carbene centers on a single ring can bind two metals with short intermetallic distances

Mesoionic Janus-Type Dicarbenes Form Bimetallic Complexes

C4-Selective Carboxylation of Pyridines Using CO2
Copper-catalyzed reaction via pyridylphosphonium salts

New Company Aims to Lead in Acrylic and Polycarbonate Sheets
Röhm and Sabic to merge businesses into new company Polyvantis

What is a Founding Angel?
Business Angels, who invest in companies in the start-up phase, are now an established business model. But what are Founding Angels?

A Cubic Cu58 Nanocluster Protected by Bowl-Shaped Ligands
Phosphangulene-protected clusters can interact with fullerenes

Nucleotide Derivatives with Increased Reactivity
Prolinyl nucleotides with higher reactivity created by introducing substituents at the pyrrolidine ring

Bis(cyclopentadienyl) Complexes of Sc(II)
Previously unknown Sc(II) scandocene complexes obtained via reduction of bis(cyclopentadienyl) scandium iodides

Copper-Based Perfluorinated Catalytic System for the Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols
Straightforward oxidation of benzyl alcohols using perfluorinated NHCs formed in situ and a widely available copper source

Selective Electrochemical Arene Amination
Reductive approach involves the generation of N-radical cations

Hexagonal Boron Nitride with a 3D Structure for Lithium Metal Batteries
NaCl/Glucose-assisted strategy gives 3D h-BN that can be used as as a reinforcing phase for polymer-based electrolytes