Stable cobalt pentazolate compound with higher energy density and stronger explosions than related complexes

Simple and Direct Synthesis of Stable Cobalt Pentazole Complexes

Progress in Indian Chemistry Research
India contributes growing numbers of chemistry articles, but is still underrepresented for highly cited papers

Angewandte Chemie 18/2017: Reaching for the Stars
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Nanoparticles in Rice
Fate and transformation of CuO nanoparticles in the soil−rice system during the life cycle of rice plants

Photosensitizers for Biological Applications
Enhanced photosensitizing efficiency of pyridinium-substituted tetraphenylethylene derivative and high bacteria-killing efficiency

New Phosphors for Latent Fingerprints
Hydrothermal production of a cost-efficient nanostructured red phosphor for forensic science

Paper-Based Self-Charging Power Unit
Harvesting and storing energy from body movement

100th Birthday: Ines Mandl
Eminent female biochemist discovered collagenase

Mesoporous Vanadium Phosphonates for Energy Storage?
Highly ordered mesostructured vanadium phosphonates (VP) synthesized

Better Intracellular Protein Delivery
Simple and effective protein-templated polymer self-assembly strategy