Aberration-corrected electron beam lithography sets new records in the patterning of arbitrary structures

Lithography at the Nanometer Scale

Double Perovskites for Oxygen Evolution
Ordered double perovskites show ultrahigh catalytic activity for oxygen evolution

Making Calcium Alginate Particles with a Centrifuge
Oil-free mass production of uniformly sized Ca-alginate particles

Composite Catalyst for Water Oxidation
Noble-metal-free polyoxometalate catalyst for electrochemical alkaline water splitting

Superabsorbents Made from Corn Starch
One-step synthesis procedure for starch-based acrylate superabsorbent polymers

Graphene Nanostructures with Zr Complexes
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with 16 fused rings formed from precursor without fused rings

Self-Organization in Disordered Liquid Crystal Phases
Dumbbell-shaped molecule forms liquid crystal phase through interlocking of adjacent molecules

Resveratrol-enriched Rice
Scientists Investigate metabolic changes in genetic modification of resveratrol-enriched rice

Angewandte Chemie 19/2017: Structural Changes
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

US Should Remain in Paris Climate Agreement
Major US companies urged President Trump to keep the United States in the Paris Agreement on climate change