Grzybowski Scientific Inventions (GSI)’s Chematica can design chemically viable synthetic pathways for complex targets within seconds

Merck Acquires Start-up with Retro-Synthesis Software

Strong German Chemical Business
Iincrease in chemical production, prices, sales, and jobs; moderate growth expected throughout 2017

An Unusual Protonation
Amino-substituted aromatic compound accepts protons on carbon atoms

Angewandte Chemie 21/2017: From Curiosity to Applications
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Most Accessed Articles: April 2017
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Simple Bioconjugation Reaction
Click reaction of Cp* rhodium(III) azide complexes with electron-poor alkynes

Copper as a Growing Problem for Steel Recycling
Copper concentration in scrap could rise to problematic levels by 2050

Wearable Electrodes Based on Common Fabrics
Vapor deposition of a conducting polymer turns textiles such as silk or linen into robust electrodes

1D Coordination Nanotubes
Complexation of ligands with zinc(II) ions results in either triangular prisms or square nanotubes

Self-Assembly Steers Reaction Selectivity
Regioselective reactions of fluorinated molecules on gold surfaces